Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between EOP and HEOP?

EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) is for state colleges. HEOP (Higher Educational Opportunity Program) is for private colleges and universities in New York State.

As a student who identifies as a minority, do I automatically qualify for HEOP admission?
No. HEOP is not what’s known as a “minority access program”; rather, it was established in 1968/1969 to provide access for any qualifying New York State student who meets both academic and economic eligibility standards.
How is it that my sibling qualified for HEOP but I didn't, even though our household size and income is the same?

HEOP students must qualify not only economically but also academically. The guidelines for HEOP admission at Paul Smith’s College vary from other colleges but are all based on HEOP students being inadmissible under Paul Smith’s College’s regular academic admission guidelines.

Why didn't I receive any financial support from HEOP when I was accepted to Paul Smith's College and transferred out of my other college?
HEOP acceptance depends upon the availability of both space and funds. You must check with the HEOP office prior to entry to find out if transfer students are being accepted for the semester you plan to enter.
I didn't know about HEOP when I first started college, and I think I was eligible. Can I apply now?

No. Unfortunately, there are cases where eligible students were not aware of programs such as HEOP or who did not realize that HEOP is designed for first time college students who have not taken college courses for credit after graduation from high school. If you have already earned college credits, you are not eligible to receive HEOP support services.

Now that I am an admitted HEOP student, will I (or my family) have to provide any money in order to attend Paul Smith's College?
Yes. A personal, financial contribution is required from each HEOP student. Accepted students are responsible for:

  • Maximum Stafford Subsidized Loans (freshmen, $3,500; sophomores, $4,500; juniors and seniors, $5,500)
  • Health insurance (if you are not insured, you must buy the Paul Smith’s plan)
  • EFC-Estimated Family Contribution. This amount is determined by your FAFSA. Not all students have EFCs, and as the FAFSA is submitted annually, the amount changes each year as well.
  • Any aid lost due to poor academic performance
What does a typical EOP/HEOP freshman financial aid award package look like?

Eligible HEOP students whose financial aid forms have been properly filed and approved generally receive monies from the following sources:

  • TAP Grant
  • Federal PELL Grant
  • Paul Smith’s College Grant
  • HEOP Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Federal Direct Loans
  • Any additional outside scholarships a student may receive



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Meet the Team


My role is to maintain and administer the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program grant from New York State. This includes periodic reporting on the program's activities and effectiveness. I am also the academic advisor for juniors and seniors in HEOP.
(518) 327-6482
Pickett Hall 203B